Monday 28 March 2016

The Ego and You

The very utterance of the word Ego conjures up a little devilish creature perched on your shoulder, waiting to pounce upon your every word, thought, action.  In actual fact, the ego is very necessary for us to remain grounded and centered and balanced in every aspect of our lives. It is a popular belief that the ego has to be subdued, enslaved and made to obey our commands. But the most successful leaders on our planet are the ones who have understood that ego is a conscious thinking entity, a necessary part of life, a partner who will guide and goad you to being the best you can be.

Each of us wants to and tries to find our identity, a definition of who we are. We also want to know how others in our experience perceive us. Yet, deep down, we know exactly who we are and what we need to do to be ourselves and not be swayed by what others think of us. This distance between our consciousness and un-consciousness is what determines the role ego plays in our lives.

In trying to attract others, trying to come across as a “good” person, we say and do things that will grab the attention of those who matter to us. Thus we use the “Aham” ( ego in Sanskrit) as “ahem” to get that attention. What we need to realize is that ego is based in fear.  Once you remove fear from your life, the ego has to step back and allow you to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally in your own way.

That is where the words “go within to find the Truth” comes in. We as humans don’t only judge ourselves by what we perceive others to be thinking of us, but also how we may appear to God / Spirit. That judgment is controlled by the mind and intellect, using the 5 senses to identify ourselves. Popular terms that are used nowadays like “ love yourself”, “be true to yourself”, “ positive thinking”, etc. may sound trite, but they hold the key to finding the perfect balance between your conscious and your un-conscious self. Once you find that balance, the ego loses the capital “E” and becomes just another three-letter-word that holds no power over you.

So go ahead, read what you can do to improve your self-image, do some positive thinking exercises, learn how to take charge of your mind and your intellect and let your ego be the one who serves you and not the other way around!

Thursday 24 March 2016

The Chakra System: Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra
Chakras are spiraling energy centers that are a very important part of the energy system in each and every human being. Just as the physical body has vital organs and other physical systems such as the respiratory and circulation systems, the energy body has chakras and other energetic circulation systems.

A complete explanation of the Chakras would not only take up a lot of space, but can only be understood fully once you experience the energy of each Chakra.  There are colours, sounds and vibrations to the Chakras which cannot be explained or understood unless experienced. 

Crown Chakra: Sahasra

This Chakra is located at the top of the head and it’s color is violet.  This is the Chakra through which we take in Universal Energy,  It governs our connection to cosmic consciousness, spiritual aspirations, wisdom and knowledge of truth. 

Focusing on this Chakra or placing it around you will enhance, center and balance the flow of energy.  It will also align the energy system to the Source as well as Gaia Energy [Mother Earth’s Energy].

Yin Yang, Lotus, Wealth Spiritual Artwork

It is a universally known fact that having spiritual and inspiring pictures around you and your home / office have a positive effect on your life.  Each symbol and each colour carry their own energies that benefit all humanity, irrespective of faith. Furthermore, energies of sacred spiritual symbols, as well as their colours are infused into the surroundings, enhancing positive energies and transmuting any negative energy in the area.  Each artwork is carefully worked upon, to bring out the relevant properties of the energies contained in the symbols and colours.

Yin Yang, Lotus, wealth

A meaningful combination of symbols.
Yin-Yang for Perfect Balance
The Lotus is a symbol of purity, peace, serenity, divine birth, reaching into mud to be nourished and flowering in the sun. It symbolizes a strong vital force that can withstand extremely adverse conditions, the embrace of the inner self with loving respect.
Rune of Wealth & prosperity   

This symbol has been incorporated into the Siddhana logo. The significance is that in every aspect of life, there will prevail purity, peace, serenity, wealth and prosperity in a perfectly balanced way. So it is.  

The Light Within

Each and every human being has the Divine spark of Light within, irrespective of the awareness level of the individual. Once we become aware of that Light, there is no going back to a state of ignorance. The knowledge that each of us is an integral part of the Light stays with us and becomes a way of being, urging us on to try and understand what that awareness can lead to. It leads to each of us acknowledging that we are all one, a piece of divinity walking this earth to raise its vibration and the vibration of every other human being. What a wonderful lesson to learn! The most exciting and awe-inspiring part of this awareness is that each of us is capable of “reminding” others about the Light that shines within. Once that process is started, slowly but irrevocably, the Light will emerge from all beings to be merged into a whole and once again, shine forth from the Divine as the bright, beautiful and complete Light it was meant to be.

I am often questioned as to how remembrance of Light can be brought about and how we can spread it across humanity. It is so simple that one can only marvel at how complex we humans make life for ourselves. All you have to do is acknowledge that the Light is there and it is done! To make it even easier, visualise a small flame, like that of a candle, begin to flicker and glow within your heart chakra (or just in the centre of your chest) and slowly start to spread throughout the body, encompassing it and then spreading out gradually till the glow has no limits and boundaries. The immense feeling of empowerment and wonder this small exercise brings cannot be described. It has to be experienced to be understood.

About how the Light can be spread? Just imagine that there are two rooms, one is dark and the other has a light shining within it. There is no way you can carry darkness into the lit room, but once you open the door of the lit room, the light will spread and seep into every part of the dark room. Those who are aware of the Light can ignite the remembrance in others by just being! There, isn’t that a wonderful way to live? Just be the Light!